14 Sep Dr. Mark Britnell – KPMG Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice
Universal Health Coverage: A Rising Tide Floats All Boats
Mark is Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice at KPMG. Since 2009, he has worked in over 60 countries, helping governments, public and private sector organizations with operations, strategy and policy. He has a pioneering and inspiring global vision for healthcare in both the developed and developing world and has written extensively on what works around the world (kpmg.com/whatworks).
Mark has dedicated his professional life to healthcare and has led organizations at local, regional, national and global levels. He was CEO of high-performing University Hospitals in Birmingham and master-minded the largest new hospital build in the NHS. He also ran the NHS from Oxford to the Isle of Wight before joining the NHS Management Board as a Director-General. He developed High Quality Care for All with Lord Darzi and published his first book ‘In Search of the Perfect Health System’ in October 2015.