2020 Titanium Awards – ONLY 33 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER • 2020 TITANIUM AWARDS • 31 JULY

Dear Colleague,

There are only 33 days left to submit entries for the 6th Annual Titanium Awards. If you know of any individuals, academics and organisations that have played a critical role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please follow the steps below to nominate them.

The Titanium Awards provide a platform to showcase the work of all individuals, healthcare professionals and organisations in the public and private sectors driving change by creating affordable, accessible and sustainable healthcare.

Eligible institutions, individuals and academics can submit entries in the following two categories:

1. The Titanium Award for Excellence in Creating Access to Healthcare
This award seeks to honour individuals, academics and organisations driving and supporting programmes, initiatives and campaigns in the fight against Covid-19, to create access to healthcare for communities. The award is open to individuals and all organisations in the healthcare sector, including medical schemes, administrators, pharmaceutical companies, public and private facilities, managed care companies, SMMEs, healthcare professionals, non-profit and government agencies; including CSI programmes. One hundred thousand rands in prize money is up for grabs for this category. The winning individual or academic will receive R50,000 in prize money. The winning organisation will also receive R50 000 in prize money. Click here for more info.

2. The Titanium Award for Service to Membership: Open, Closed & Self-Administered Medical Schemes, Administrators and Managed Care Organisations
This award recognises and rewards medical schemes (open, restricted and self-administered), administrators and managed care organisations providing the best service to their members. It celebrates industry excellence and unprecedented contributions to members by providing value for money.

Entries close on 31 July 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Finalists will be notified in September 2020.


For more information, including the application process and terms and conditions of participation, visit http://www.bhfglobal.com/titanium-awards or email: admin@titaniumawards.org.


Kind regards,

Zola Mtshiya
Head: Stakeholder Relations & Business Development
Board of Healthcare Funders